Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can't catch my breath

Okay so I promise I have been trying to blog but they would not let me sign on. Really, it was something about cookies or something.

Life has been a little too busy lately... with work & school and well the wedding. I have finally decided that life is really never going to slow down. Though I wish it would.

I have some very exciting news to share! Our sofa is here! YAY!

No more sitting in a computer chair and a lawn chair. It won't always blend in with the wall but for now it does. It is so comfy, and I am so proud of it!

We have also been working out in the yard too. I do not do yard work but I helped, in fact I pretty much pulled up all the pine straw myself.

Proof that I really am working. I will not be doing anything like this again. So you are welcome for all my help Andy! :)

Since I like to keep it real...I learned my first lesson this week in asking before buying big purchases. Even if it is with your own money! I am pretty sure this is going to take some getting use too. Andrew showed mercy on me this time and was really sweet about it.

Last but not least Congratulations Breland & Beth!

Barrett Edward Booth was born this morning at 7:15 and he weighs 8lbs 1oz
Be back soon!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thanks Momma

I opened my lunchbox to find this inside:

and I knew it was going to be a great day! Thanks Momma!
{yes she packs my lunch for me everyday...I know I spoiled}

Friday, February 5, 2010

happy friday

I hope you have a great weekend. :)
photo from here

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Dear Andrew,
I would look so beautiful on the long wall in the kitchen. I can hold beautiful plates and other useful things like a cookie jar filled with your favorite cookies.