have been quite eventful to say the least. I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. So many fun things have happened while I have been away, so I wanted to take a few minutes to share them with you.
My Brother-in-law got engaged to his girlfriend the week before Thanksgiving. They are getting married in July, and we are so excited for them. I love Hanna and I am so excited that she will be apart of the family, although I have already thought of her as my sister for a long time. I am looking forward to helping her plan her wedding! 

Isn't she so beautiful??

A couple of weeks ago Andrew and I had a Christmas shower for them at our house. It was so much fun. I have to give a shout out to the hubby...he really did a great job with helping me pull it off. Thanks love!

They got so many cute Christmas decorations. Too bad she will have to wait a whole year to use them.

We also got our tree. It was a special treat because Andrew has never had a real tree before so we had a blast picking it out and putting it up. 

Here's our first tree. It's a pretty modest tree...we don't have too many ornaments yet and the picture is kind of blurry. Sorry!

This past weekend we spent the night at Opryland Hotel in Nashville. It was so beautiful and we had a blast. Look at how every inch of these trees are wrapped in lights. They start decorating in July. Isn't that so crazy?

We are so excited about first Married Christmas!It is such a special year for us and I hope we will always look back at it and smile! We hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas as well!