Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Can you believe that August will be here in 4 days? Where has the summer gone? I feel like it was just Christmas like a month ago and before you can blink it will be here again. With that being said I am actually glad summer is almost over..its way too hot and Fall is my most favorite season for a few reasons:

- Extra Hot Hot chocolate from Starbucks

- Boots

- Pumpkins on everybody's front porches!

- The cool and crisp breeze

- My Mommas Pumpkin Bread

- and probably my most favorite the Leaves! Oh they are always so beautiful!!

Man I can't wait!! Just a few more months! YAY!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

She Said YES!!

This past weekend one of my best friends got Engaged to the man of her dreams!!

The Happy Couple Beth and Breland!

Beth and I a little excited!! :)

(look at her new bling...it is so BIG and Pretty!)

Congratulations My Sweet Friend! I am so excited for you!!
Love you!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Recent Purchases

I went to market a couple of weeks ago with the store that I work for and found a line that I just love! They had great prices and so many fun things. Of course I spent way to much money but found a few really great items! One of these items are these cool yard steaks. Hopefully one day in the not too far away future I will be getting married and thought these would be so perfect to put somewhere at the reception.

I know I know I could probably make these but not with the price that I paid for them! They will be so pretty in my back yard too!

I also Purchased this beautiful Floor Length Mirror. Not exactly sure where this is going to go yet but I am sure I will not have a problem finding a place! It is the one in the top left hand corner.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bath Time Splash Time!

It is so rainy here in Alabama today and it makes me want to curl up on the couch in my favorite sweatshirt with a good book...or even better take a bubble bath!!

This room screams relaxing with that breeze coming in through the window and the neural walls. I think I could stay in there all day!
(if you look closely you can see what appears to be a barn outside the window) AHH!
Taking a bath while listening to the sounds of nature I don't think you can beat that!!
Can you??

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Confession. I love old barns. They are my new obsession. I am not sure what it is but something about driving by and they always take your breath away for a second. Lame but true.

Look at this one closely do you see 1892 on the roof.
I think the red ones are my favorite! They melt my heart.

Take me there!!!

And this is how we would get there!! Love that color.

Ok enough about Barns today, but stay tuned more to come about these beautiful structures.
Also lots of new things coming to the blog soon!!