Thursday, December 23, 2010

the last two months...

have been quite eventful to say the least. I cannot believe how fast time has flown by. So many fun things have happened while I have been away, so I wanted to take a few minutes to share them with you.
My Brother-in-law got engaged to his girlfriend the week before Thanksgiving. They are getting married in July, and we are so excited for them. I love Hanna and I am so excited that she will be apart of the family, although I have already thought of her as my sister for a long time. I am looking forward to helping her plan her wedding!
Isn't she so beautiful??
A couple of weeks ago Andrew and I had a Christmas shower for them at our house. It was so much fun. I have to give a shout out to the hubby...he really did a great job with helping me pull it off. Thanks love!
They got so many cute Christmas decorations. Too bad she will have to wait a whole year to use them.
We also got our tree. It was a special treat because Andrew has never had a real tree before so we had a blast picking it out and putting it up.
Here's our first tree. It's a pretty modest tree...we don't have too many ornaments yet and the picture is kind of blurry. Sorry!
This past weekend we spent the night at Opryland Hotel in Nashville. It was so beautiful and we had a blast. Look at how every inch of these trees are wrapped in lights. They start decorating in July. Isn't that so crazy?

We are so excited about first Married Christmas!It is such a special year for us and I hope we will always look back at it and smile! We hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas as well!

Friday, October 29, 2010


(country home)
I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween this weekend. I don't about you but at our house we are more focused on Auburn football then Halloween. War Eagle! I do hope we get some trick-or-treaters this weekend though. It will be our first ones at our house! :)

This weekend will also be filled with a little bit of shopping and painting. A friend gave me some kitchen chairs for free and I cannot wait to show you their transformation. Hopefully they turn out like I think they will! We will also be making room for a new bed! That's right we are finally getting a King bed, and I could not be more excited. Not only will our house look a little bit more complete but it brings me so much joy to know that from now own I can sleep stretched out all night long!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Fall!

I am so excited that fall is finally here, even though it is 96 degrees outside today. Hopefully it cools down around here soon.
I have been doing a little bit of fall decorating this week and slowly but surely it is coming along.
I took a picture of our chest in the den because I just love the pumpkins.

my favorite is the tall skinny white pumpkin on the left.

In other news hubby started his new job this week! YAY! I forgot to take a picture of him on his first day and his second day so this is him on the third day of his new job. He is so cute, I love seeing him all dressed up everyday. He on the other hand does not like it.

Also random picture but I thought it was neat. I saw this rainbow yesterday on the way home from work. I am still amazed that my god is so big that he can make rainbows! They really are such a beautiful thing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

the story of my life lately...

Andrew is constantly telling me that I go to bed too early. Is 10:30 really that early? I think the heat is making me tired! Yesterday we had a heat index of 111 degrees.
I forgot where I found this cute sign

Thursday, August 19, 2010


I said I was back on my last post and that was almost two months ago.. oopsies. :) I guess I have been enjoying my new husband and not blogging. I have missed it though. I have two easy and cheap projects for your house to share as well as few other fun things! Hopefully I will get around to that before another two months passes. Life moves too fast.
Today, I am I am inspired by these pretty flowers. I love putting pretty flowers in different vases around our house! I love them even more when they are free!

I know these are not in a vase but I could not pass this one up! too pretty. Hope my back yard looks like that one day!

This one reminds me of my front porch only my pot is empty because we killed the flowers that was in it. Maybe fall will bring us better luck!

Aren't they so pretty! I love the way fresh flowers can brighten your day.
Happy Thursday!

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm baaaaaaack

Hello again! I am back from my honeymoon and back to the blog world! Hard to believe that I am married! Seems very weird! Here are a few of my favorite pictures that my friends took on June 12, 2010!

Be back soon with updates on our new life, our house(YAY), and a little bit more of wedding!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

you have my heart

I love these little embroidered hearts. Too bad I can't make them! Find them here

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Thursday Inspiration

In the midst of last minute wedding planning I have had our house on my mind a lot lately. I have now had 4 months to plan what we want for our home but I am scared to stick to it and actually make it happen. I don't know why maybe for fear that I will find something I like better tomorrow? I need to get serious though because it looks more like we are moving out than moving in.

Bathrooms especially have been on my mind this week. I don't even have a shower curtain up in our guest bathroom. Or even soap for that matter. Geez I need to get busy.

Love this little vanity. Would love to change the builder grade for something like this.
I love the look of folded towels underneath the sink too.

I wish so bad we could remove the dry wall and install these wood planks.

We not quite ready for this stage yet.. but I loved the vintage sink with the bench for the kids!

I know one thing for sure and that is that I love all white Bathrooms. If we are ever going to have one now is the time to do it because I can only imagine an all white bathroom with kids.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday Fun

Anyone else love projects. I feel like I am the queen of of DIY projects. Why pay somebody when you can do it yourself. Right?
I have been getting the store ready for the summer months and stumbled across this cute No Sew Banner. Yes you read that right...NO sew banner. I cannot sew to save my life so when I saw what it took to make this banner I was all over it!
How much fun is it for birthday parties or even in a big kids room! It seriously took about a hour to make and cost less than $3.00 because I used leftover scraps of fabric from other projects.

Monday, March 22, 2010

big NO NO....

I am still here just in case you were wondering. Been busy with a few projects for the house. Can't wait to show them to you.

I also feel like such an idiot. Are you ready for this.

I ordered this coffee table from work a few months ago and it finally arrived last week. I was so excited to take it to the new house and have it set up in our den. I have to admit that I was a little worried about how long it was going to be in the space but I measured and knew it would probably fit okay. Well it fits just fine except for the fact that it is 281/2" tall. I forgot to measure the height. It is a freaking kitchen table. OH MY GOSH!! I really can't believe that I overlooked that tiny little detail. In my defense in the picture below it does only come up to the second drawer, so please tell me you would think it was a coffee table too? haha.....I know you must be laughing right now. I am too...and was the night we put it together, Andrew on the other hand did not think it was very funny.
Meet our new coffee I mean kitchen table. By the way we already had a kitchen table and chairs. The chairs don't match the new table so now we have to find new chairs too. I am sure you can see why Andrew was so happy with me.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


100 days to go until this...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can't catch my breath

Okay so I promise I have been trying to blog but they would not let me sign on. Really, it was something about cookies or something.

Life has been a little too busy lately... with work & school and well the wedding. I have finally decided that life is really never going to slow down. Though I wish it would.

I have some very exciting news to share! Our sofa is here! YAY!

No more sitting in a computer chair and a lawn chair. It won't always blend in with the wall but for now it does. It is so comfy, and I am so proud of it!

We have also been working out in the yard too. I do not do yard work but I helped, in fact I pretty much pulled up all the pine straw myself.

Proof that I really am working. I will not be doing anything like this again. So you are welcome for all my help Andy! :)

Since I like to keep it real...I learned my first lesson this week in asking before buying big purchases. Even if it is with your own money! I am pretty sure this is going to take some getting use too. Andrew showed mercy on me this time and was really sweet about it.

Last but not least Congratulations Breland & Beth!

Barrett Edward Booth was born this morning at 7:15 and he weighs 8lbs 1oz
Be back soon!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thanks Momma

I opened my lunchbox to find this inside:

and I knew it was going to be a great day! Thanks Momma!
{yes she packs my lunch for me everyday...I know I spoiled}

Friday, February 5, 2010

happy friday

I hope you have a great weekend. :)
photo from here

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Dear Andrew,
I would look so beautiful on the long wall in the kitchen. I can hold beautiful plates and other useful things like a cookie jar filled with your favorite cookies.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


One of my resolutions this year was blog everyday....haha we see how that is gone so far! I have wanted to blog and even started on several drafts only to never publish them. Everything I chose to write about just seemed boring. Today, I think I am over my slump and I am going to catch you up on life lately.

Warning: this post is random!!

This is what my life has looked like at work stuff coming in everyday. My room has looked the same way...well, if I am being honest a whole lot worse. I just need to be better about picking up the clothes on the floor. I am normally not this messy but something about living at momma and daddy's house. Anybody else like that too?

This coming weekend I along with 6 other girls are hosting a baby shower at my parents house for my dear friend Beth! I am in charge of the decorations, which normally I love doing but I have found myself standing in the middle of Hobby Lobby 3 different times with nothing in my hands. Ahh... the party is Sunday and I have to make something for the door and for the tables, so tonight they will see me there again and hopefully I can come up with something. On a side note I love Hobby Lobby. The other night when I was in there I was looking for inspiration and stumbled across Burlap for a $1.99 a yard. Seriously you can't beat that. I ended up buying the whole bolt which was 17 yards! More on that later!

Countdown to the wedding is 142 days! YAY! I am having a blast planning the tiny little details! I love thinking of creative ways to do things...I apparently just need help in the baby shower area. :) The Save the date cards finally went out and I am ordering invitations this weekend. Speaking of invitations....that by far has been the most overwhelming thing so far. I mean who knew? I ended up putting together my own invitation because I could not find any that I just loved that were not $6.00 per one! I hope they turn out okay. My dress is coming in a few weeks and I cannot wait to try it on! I am so excited about it!

I have also been learning a lot about cooking. I knew the basics but I have been learning to cook outside the box a little bit more. I cooked Darby's Southwestern Chicken Soup. It was so easy and it has been requested again! Next time I make it I think I will cook some rice to go with it. Thanks Darby for posting easy and quick recipes for girls like me! Check out her blog if you haven't already...she is an amazing woman with beautiful kids!

Happy Birthday to my big brother who is turning 28 today!! Love you bubba!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

first things first

I have so many ideas for the new house but I am a little stuck on where to start.

I guess you gotta have furniture before you can put things up on the walls right? So with keeping that in mind I ordered the sofa this week!

I got this comfy one in a different fabric(that white is pretty but would get so dirty) from at home in homewood! 8-10 weeks until she is here!! AHH! can't wait!